Osteoarthritis- A common disease part 3.

Part III. : Surgical treatment => -posibilities – limits – perspectives

In Germany, millions of people suffer from osteoarthritis. As the number of cases of treatment and ongoing efforts to osteoarthritis prevention and the optimization conservative measures, there are also an increase in the “operational” method.


Osteoarthritis- A common disease part 2.

Teil II. : Konservative Behandlung=> -Möglichkeiten -Grenzen – Perspektiven

In Deutschland leiden mehr als fünf Millionen Frauen und Männer unter Beschwerden, die durch eine Arthrose verursacht werden. Mit steigender Tendenz ! Die Definition der Arthrosis deformans  beschreibt mit „ das altersübliche Maß übersteigende Gelenkverschleiß“ einen Prozess, der zum einen mit Verlust an Knorpelgewebe im Gelenkes einhergeht  und zum andern auch den ganz normaler Teil des biologischen Alterns  be-(über)trifft.


Osteoarthritis- A common disease Part 1.

Part I: What is osteoarthritis? And what prospects there !?

The osteoarthritis, the conceptually translated from the ancient language elements “joint” and composed “mutilation” and thus historically documented was earlier known today is called the “age than usual increase in joint wear” defined.

This accompanies the consequences of pain, deformity and loss of performance of the corresponding joint disease with wear of the articular cartilage is one of the most common diseases of civilization in the 21st century.


Cycling- joy and sorrow

Of biking joys and sorrows -An overview article about congestion / accident
The bicycle is the “Transportation developed” at most, and in some regions of Germany the car already expired as the main means of transportation 1st prize.


Fire of Life

Get an “image” of your health!


PRP applications

PRP in der Faltenbehandlung / Gesichtsbehandlungen

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LIVE OP course for surgeons in Palma

LIVE-OP-Kurs für Chirurgen in Palma de Mallorca

<img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-816" alt="osteochondrose" src="http://www.mh-mallorca.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/osteochondrose-150×150.jpg" width="150" height="150" srcset="http://www online cymbalta.mh-mallorca.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/osteochondrose-150×150.jpg 150w, http://www.mh-mallorca.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/osteochondrose-300×300.jpg 300w, http://www.mh-mallorca.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/osteochondrose-50×50.jpg 50w, http://www.mh-mallorca.com/cms/wp-content/uploads/osteochondrose.jpg 1000w” sizes=”(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px” /> Wir freuen uns darauf, eine Veranstaltung für die spanische Firma www.acuna-fombona.com ausrichten zu dürfen! 21. Mai 2014 – 9:15 – 13:00 Uhr –  im Hospital Quirón Palmaplanas ! Mit Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Becker www.medimpuls.at Wien wird in einer Live-OP die innovative Technologie GelStix anwenden und sein Wissen und seine Erfahrung anTeilnehmer aus Spanien und Portugal weiterzugeben.


Zu weiteren Informationen: info@mh-mallorca.com



Locum & support in physiotherapy practice Mallorca



Triathlon on majorca

triathlonWe MEDICAL HEALTH MALLORCA -MHM.sl. with our partners CO-OP (Dr Eva Marin -ORTIZ medical center Alcudia) offer in the period from 09/20/2015 to 09/30/2015 at a special package for all participants to IRONMAN ALCUDIA on 09/26/2015.


Health and Medicine

sportmed1.shutterstock_128291093Experiences, recommendations and opinions
